Presented by Independent Schools Victoria

More 2020 events coming soon…


Suitable for

All year levels

Our Student Film Festival is back in 2020.


We’re inviting students from all year levels to submit films they have created, with selected films screened at a gala event in May, with prizes for creative and technical expertise, as well as a People’s Choice award on the night.


In this Arts Learning Festival event, presented by Independent Schools Victoria, we’re asking students to submit their films that demonstrate creative exploration. All films welcome from all subject areas and year levels.


There’s also a Theme 2020 category, where students create a film of their chosen content referencing our theme - a red box.


The competition is open to all students in all schools, and participants can submit as many films as they like. The year categories are:


  • Early Years: Prep-Year 2
  • Junior: Years 3-6
  • Middle: Years 7-9
  • Senior: Years 10-12


Entries close on Friday, 27 March 2020. We’ll be publishing more details in coming weeks on our website,


To enter and more for information, contact ISV’s Melinda Hargreaves,

  We'll be holding more events in  2020 as part of the Arts Learning Festival, presented by Independent Schools Victoria for all students in all sectors.   Watch this space for more details...