Suitable for
All ages
ISV’s Student Film Festival 2020 is a month-long celebration of the creative talents of student filmmakers.
Out of almost 80 entries, six finalists have been chosen in each category, to be featured here on the Arts Learning Festival website.
Here are the Year 11 finalists, with judges comments kindly provided by acclaimed TV and film director David Swann.
1. Fight for Weetbix
(Technical Award)
Alex Hollins, Balcombe Grammar School
This film has been temporarily removed while we update music licencing arrangements.
What did the judges say?
“This film is a brilliant example of parody as a style. The filmmaker has taken various traits from the classic action Kung Fu genre, but turned them on their head as the battle between hero and villain is fought over who ate the last Weetbix. There are so many great filmic devices used here from the characters speaking in Japanese and the use of subtitles, to the 70s retro costumes, the use of chromakey with animation … Overall, a really impressive film and one the audience is sure to enjoy. Bravo.”
2. Connection (Creative Award, People’s Choice Award)
Charli Bowers, Firbank Grammar School
What did the judges say?
“This film is a little gem. It’s simple but packs a delightful message. Backlit by the sun, these magnificent tall trees reaching up to the heavens is an inspired use of location. The quality of the images is quite striking and captures the deep rich colours of this beautiful natural environment. What the film maker has pulled off is just how great it is to get back to nature, to rediscover the joy of reconnecting to the earth. A brilliant statement that is done with such simplicity and class. Well done.”
3. Over the Bridge
Jemima Matheson, Girton Grammar School
What did the judges say?
“Three things stood out for me with this film. One was the use of no dialogue, taking filmmaking back to its silent origins of just moving pictures to tell the story. The second was the use of humour and third the way this was used to explore the theme of a girl facing her fears. Overall, the filmmaker has made a really powerful message but done it through humour. It’s a really great example of how to use media to make a statement and to do it in such an entertaining way.”
4. I’m Stressed
Alice Menzies-King, St Catherine’s School
What did the judges say?
“This project is a good example of how the audience is allowed into the private world of the central character through the use of narration. The story also incorporates the use of irony as the things that stress out our hero are the little things, like annoying big sisters, rude people, slow walkers and having to wear a school uniform. The use of humour works well – especially when she reveals her reaction to the cure-all of eating her own body weight in chocolate. ”
5. Brave New World
Emma Laird, Sacred Heart Girls’ College
What did the judges say?
“Lock down has been a real challenge for everyone, but Emma’s production is a great example of how satire can lighten the load. What’s also really notable here is the way that Emma played numerous roles (at times in the same frame by the use of split screen), as well as casting her whole family to be in the production. All round a very entertaining film, with great performances, well shot, edited and directed.”
6. Red Box
Laura Cheng, Victory Christian College
What did the judges say?
“This film carries such a powerful message about kindness, conquering prejudice and fear. From a technical standpoint the thing that stands out here, first and foremost, is how natural and believable the performances are. The second is the subtle way the narrative arc changes from exclusion to inclusion of our misfit character and lastly the great use of handheld camera in telling this story. Overall, this is such a feel good story leaving the audience feeling inspired by the simple act of kindness the students perform, reminding us all of our common humanity. Bravo.”
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