Presented by the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation

The Creative Garden


Suitable for

Families, children ages 8 - 13

Drop-in workshops by the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation. Activities include making pots from newspapers and planting seeds in them, and leaf rubbing to explore the shape, texture and colour of local plants.


The program provides a hands-on understanding of many scientific and creative learning principles, and can enhance literacy and numeracy skills. Children will also learn life skills they can take beyond the classroom that will help them to make healthier choices into the future.


Children can participate in a range of activities, including learning how to create a pot suitable for growing seeds in from newspaper. They will have the opportunity to learn some basic gardening principles, and planting seeds in the pot they have constructed.


There will also be an opportunity to look closely at plants in the surrounding environment, and consider from an aesthetic viewpoint to create images using frottage or rubbing techniques. This leaf rubbing activity gives a close-up exploration of shape, texture and colour of local plants.
